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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Monday, September 18, 2017

yet 的用法


yet 出現在不同的句子中有不同意思。整理一下約有六種

(1).1 have+ p.p 表示尚未做 (相對於already)
He hasn’t finished his homework yet.
He has finished his homework already.

(1).2  最高級+ yet This is the best yet..
The is the most beautiful scenery (I have seen in this country) yet.

(2) 片語have yet to V = haven’t Vpp 強調讓人吃驚/很糟的事情
He has yet to start his project.

(3) will + V + yet+ for 一段時間 (還會持續一陣子)
He will be angry for some time yet.

(4) may/could/can+ V yet  (還有….可能性)
You may win yet (even though you lost many points).
You may have a child yet (even though you are 50).  

另外,yet 也可當成but 或是however 來使用
(5) He is a rich man, [and] yet he walks to work.

(6) 強調跟more (better, worse), again, another 竟然/居然又

work, work and yet more work
He bought yet another car.
He quit yet again.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

English for Monday Blues: may的用法之一:表示心願和希望

(May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short)

may 這個助動詞有兩種常見的情態語意(modality)。

I. 表示可能性(possibility) It may/might rain tomorrow.  明天可能會下雨 (我猜測)。這裡的might 可以出現在未來時間,因為是指可能性較低。

II. 表示義務性(obligation) You may leave now.  妳可以走了(我允許妳走了)

III.表示心願祝福 (wish/hope)。現在英文很少這樣用了,可是在固定片語中很常見。電影或小說中也很會使用這個特殊的意義來傳達正式古老的氛圍。

此時使用句型是 (1) may 一定要放在最前面 (2)  後面是動詞原型
May+ subject + V 原形動詞

May (=It is my hope/wish that) the force be with you.  願原力與你同在
May God be with you. 願上帝與你同在
May he rest in peace. 願他安息

Sunday, May 14, 2017




班上學生叫我看通靈少女(The Teenage Psycho [sic.])。
因為他把psychic 說成 psycho,我還以為是驚悚片。
 psychic 是通靈者 psycho 是心理不正常的瘋子

Tis but thy name that is my enemy. 
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. 
What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, 
nor any other part Belonging to a man. 
O, be some other name! 
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet.

讀來應該不會完全看不懂,唯一很不同的是。莎士比亞時代英文的第二人稱代名詞you, 當主詞受詞和所有格時要變化。

thy=> your 所有格形容詞 
thyself=> yourself 反身代名詞 
thou=> you 主詞
thee => you 受詞 

thou 應該大家滿熟悉的。摩西十誡中,每個開頭都可以看到
thou shalt not kill/steal 汝等不可殺人偷竊

白話英文 Oh, Romeo, Romeo, why do you have to be Romeo?

Forget about your father and change your name. Or else, if you won’t change your name, just swear you love me and I’ll stop being a Capulet. JULIET (still not knowing ROMEO hears her) It’s only your name that’s my enemy. You’d still be yourself even if you stopped being a Montague. What’s a Montague anyway? It isn’t a hand, a foot, an arm, a face, or any other part of a man. Oh, be some other name! What does a name mean? The thing we call a rose would smell just as sweet if we called it by any other name. Romeo would be just as perfect even if he wasn’t called Romeo. Romeo, lose your name. Trade in your name—which really has nothing to do with you—and take all of me in exchange.

中文  羅密歐...羅密歐...
為何你偏偏是羅密歐 別認你的父親,放棄你的姓氏 你如果不依,只要發誓愛我,我就不姓茱 我只仇視你的姓氏,你不姓羅也無妨 "羅"算什麼,又不是手或腳,不是手臂或臉龐,也不是身體其他部分 就改姓別的吧,名字有什麼關係呢 玫瑰就算不叫玫瑰,還是一樣的香



Sunday, May 7, 2017

English for Monday Blues: It's only four days till Friday. until 的用

(英文藝術字by Ingrid Hsiao 我美麗又有才華的好友)

It’s only four days till Friday. 還剩四天就星期五了
till=until 但是較口語親切

(1) He did not go out (until/by) 10:00 this morning.
(2) He stayed (until/by) 10:00 this morning.
(3) He went out (until/by) 10: 00 this morning.

答案 (1) until (2) until (3) by  

not until 直到某個時刻才開始/結束動作,所以要接瞬間動詞
until 一直持續到某一個才停止,所以要接持續性動詞/或是一段時間。
by 在某個時間點前。通常和截止deadline日期息息相關

中級 改錯
(X) He walked until the school.
(O)He walked as far as the school.
因為until 只能用在時間,不能用在空間。

We’ll stay until it ______ (stop) raining.  答案是
(A) is going to stop (B) has stopped (C)  will

(B)因為until 是時間副詞的一種,只能放現在式。

Saturday, April 29, 2017

double up/down 的不同

最近常常聽到double down 這個片語

Jimmy Kimmel 大快人心的影片,中提到:

1. United didn't admit they did anything wrong, if anything, they seemed to be doubling down on this.

這個字是從21 點的玩法來的(有很多常用的片語都是從賭博來的),賭客可以加倍賭注。可能是因為down 這個質詞 (particle)的認知感受,有傾注放手的感覺。在延伸用法跟兩倍這種準確的概念沒有太大關係,但有執迷(吃了秤砣鐵了心),瘋狂 (豁出去了)的意思。

1-1 美聯沒有任何認錯的意思,反而變本加厲了。

2.  Trump officials double down on wiretap charge /Fox News Video


3. “People on either side, the other side and this side, you double down  when you find conflict, it’s called the ‘Backfire Effect,’ it backfires, and you get more entrenched in your worldview,” he continued.
Source http://www.rawstory.com

3-3 人們都選邊站,當發現(事實和自己的認知)有衝突時,常常會變本加厲,這個叫做"逆火效應"。造成反效果,強化他們抱守殘缺的信念

相反地, double 加上 up , 所衍伸的意思比較理智。可能是up 向上 的概念,就是較困難的,要努力和安排的。也跟數字比較有關。

4. You need to double up with John. 你和約翰兩個人要住一間

5. You need to double up on your classes if you want to graduate on time. 要多修一倍的課,不然無法準時畢業了。

如果double up 是加倍努力,double down 不只兩倍,還有孤注一擲的意思,全力傾注。

double (up) as 當成動詞時,其實還有兼作(有兩個功能的意思)。記得IELTS 有一題口說要同學描述房間的樣子。很多人多說自己的房間還兼有書房的功能,大部分的人都說

6. My bedroom is also my study. 是沒有沒有錯。


7. My bedroom also doubles as my study. 感覺立刻就傳神許多

其他有用的double 片語

-> double talk 兩種詮釋都說得過去。模糊焦點

-> double book 衝堂
e.g. I double booked my third period. 我第三節衝堂

-> double cross 兩邊都騙。黑吃黑,背叛

-> double trouble 雪上加霜

-> double over/up with laughter 笑彎腰

-> double-edged sword 兩面利刃/水可載舟亦可覆舟

-> double in brass (原指爵士樂團中大家都能玩兩種以上樂器)校長兼撞鐘
e.g. I used to work for a small company where everyone must double in brass.

Many doomsday preppers double _______ on their beliefs even if the day nver comes. They double _______ on their supplies for the secrete tunnel, which doubles as a shelter.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

你不了解我的明白 I can't imagine that

我想像的到,可能是因為"到"這個方位詞,因此在中文表達中有我懂了的意思。有些分析說當成補語,表示已經達到的那個狀況(在此不細究)。可是直接翻譯成英文I can imagine that ,沒有"到"這個字,並沒有我懂了的意思。

英文中的I can imagine that 這個句型後面接的是推論或是假設的狀況(scenario) ,後面常接if/或不甚肯定的口氣。來看一下 Linguee的例子

(1) We can imagine that even if these patients had not contracted SARS, the mortality rate would still be high. legco.gov.hk

我們可以想 像,這些病 患者即使不感染 SARS,死亡率也會很高,一旦染上傳染病引致 肺炎,死亡率便更高。 legco.gov.hk

(2) I can imagine that if we do not strongly challenge this divided electoral franchise, this divided electoral franchise will [...] legco.gov.hk

我可以想像,如果我們 不着實強 烈挑戰這個分割的選舉權,這分割的選舉權很容易為將來所謂普選特 首的模式鋪路。 legco.gov.hk

(3) After this incident, we can imagine that all world leaders would not consider nuclear power as a long-term and sustainable energy. legco.gov.hk

發生事故後,可以想像到,世 界上所有領袖也不會覺得核電是長久而可持續的能源。 legco.gov.hk

我了解了,在英文中用 I get the picture 就好.

I get the picture 這個慣用語的使用時機,通常是有一方漫無邊際地描述某個場景,試圖讓聽的人知道他想表達卻說不出來的意思。對方靠著線索和過去經驗,大概猜出想表達的意思。

下面是網路字典The Free Dictionary 的例句
A: 'He doesn't want her but he doesn't want anyone else to have her, you know?'
B: 'I get the picture.'

A: 他不想要她,但又不想要任何人得到她,你懂嗎?
B: 我懂。

英文中的picture 通常使用在了解/知道狀況的片語中。imagine 還在假想階段,可能還沒有到達互相了解的程度。

另一常用語, 隨時讓我了解狀況。

Put/Keep me in the ___________.
(A) imagination (B) picture (C) dark (D) mind


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

It's hard to me/ for me? 哪個介係詞才對

? 同學問我  It's hard to me/ for me 哪個介係詞才對?

★ 我的想法是要看it 的意思,是虛主詞(dummy subject) 還是代名詞 (pronoun)。

  •  虛主詞+ is + 一般性評論形容詞+ (for/*to subject) + to V 不定詞補語

 評論性形容詞有easy/hard (difficult)/good/bad/nice 等等


(1) It is hard [for Taiwanese to learn English].

因為it 是取代後面的不定詞補語(extraposed),相當一個非限定子句。所以也可以移到前面,如下

(2) [For Taiwanese to learn English] is hard.

加上to 是很不自然的

*(3) It is hard [to Taiwanese to learn English] 
*(4) [To Taiwanese to learn English] is hard. 

但是it seems/appears/sounds to me....就用to + 對象,因為是發表觀點的句子

當然我看到許多外國人在論壇發言,覺得It is hard to me to learn English. 也可以,但我覺得這裡的to me 是插入句,並不在句子結構裡=> It is hard, to me, to learn English.

(5) To me (=in my opinion), it is hard for Taiwanese to learn English. 
(6) It is hard, to me (=in my opinion),  for Taiwanese to learn English. 省略主詞
=> It is hard, to me (=in my opinion), to learn English.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

談語言中的類比譬喻: A is to B what C is to D (A 之於B 猶如 C之於 D)


A 之於 B 猶如 C 之於D
= A is to B what C is to D.  
= A is to B as C is to D.
= As C is to D, so is A to B.

但若從很簡單的譬喻句去了解,就會很清楚了。簡單句基礎: 主詞+be+補語

(1) Love is (a) spice.暗喻(metaphor)1
(2) Love is like/as (a) spice.明喻(simile)
(1)’ A = B
(2)’ A ≈ B


語言中比喻和譬喻,不只很常出現在文學修辭,其實充斥著每個地方。根據George Lakoff 的理論,這是認知能力的一種。用自己熟悉的知識去明白部熟習的知識,用具體的東西去了解抽象的東西。

我們現在另用what (the thing which) 的句子來強調一下

(3) Love is what (the thing which) spice is.



Love: couples= spice: eaters
love to couples = spice to eaters

(3)’ Love is _________what spice is ________.

(4) Love is (to couples) what spice is (to eaters) [這是由暗喻(1) 變來的]

(2)’ Love is ________ as/like spice  is __________.

(5) Love is to couples as/like spice is to eaters. [這是由明喻(2) 變來的]

如果您已經上了許多網站查這個句型,會發現。其實美國人更常用加as/like 的句子。我看了五六個網站,感覺絕大多數人直覺不喜歡what 的句構,但也說不出個所以然。可能是what 的句子太迂迴了,轉了兩圈。

最後若是要強調的話,把as spice to eaters

(6) As spice is to eaters, love is similar to the couples.

知道 I am too-> so am I 表達相同的句型嗎? 沒錯來倒裝一下。

(7) As spice is to eaters, so is love to couples.

我們來看看紐約時報舉辦的周末類比句大賽的一個句子,看大家是否懂了(https://schott.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/11/weekend-competition-a-is-to-b-as-c-is-to-d/?_r=0) 很促咪LOL

“Republican senators are to sexual flings as family values are to domestic abuse.”
Katy Sharpe September 13, 2009 · 3:07 pm

Republican senators≈ family values (A≈ B) 共和黨員家庭價值。怎麼說?
Republican senators: sexual fling ≈family values: domestic abuse (共和黨議員: 一夜風流家庭價值: 家暴)


(1)Smile is to mankind _________ sunshine is to flowers.
(A) while (B) like (C) as (D) what
答案 (A)

(2) 閱讀之於心靈,如食物之於身體。
Reading: the mind= food: body
Reading is to the mind what food to the body.
Reading is to the mind as/like food to the body. 最多人公認易懂
As food to the body, so is reading to the mind.

Love is a spice with many tastes--a dizzying array of textures and moments.
(Wayne Knight as Newman in the final episode of Seinfeld, 1998)
註2:  For the record,我想說這些變形的中間過程(transformation process)只是輔助,並不代表我的論證就等於是語言認知的實際過程,或是我特別相信某個理論派別。

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

談諺語 What’s on your bucket list?



Thanks so much 就是一個例子。很多英語學習者或老師,覺得這個句子無法還原成一個標準的文法句子,應該要說成Thank you very much 或是  Thanks a lot,所以直接判定是不好的英文。但上網問外國人,他們都覺得聽起來一點都不問題啊。

不合文法,但道地的有 Long time no see (好久不見), My bad (我的錯),I can't with you (受不鳥),You do you (做妳自己吧)
1. bought the farm 是死掉的委婉語,farm 指的是墓地,可能像是南部俚語的回蘇州賣鴨蛋代表死掉的意思。
美國影集有時會用太過委婉,導致別人誤解的梗。印象中一部非常老的影集 Golden Girls 黃金女郎,其中有一集提到bought the farm,裡面一根腸子通到底的傻大姊Rose 回:Where?

2. six feet under (這個意象很清楚,就被埋在下面。HBO 一部影集就叫Six Feet Under。底面主角家是開葬儀社funeral home)

3. bite the dust (通常戰死沙場,被殺)

4. shuffle off this mortal coil (出自莎士比亞Hamlet: 脫離塵世了,BBC拍的福爾摩斯常聽到)

5. drop dead 猝死 (常聽到拿來罵人,你去死。Drop dead. )

6. death by misadventure 意外致死

7. killed in action 因公殉職

8. What’s on your bucket list? 意思是死掉前一定要做的事情。
Jack Nicholson Morgan Freeman 兩大老牌影星演出一部片子叫The Bucket List。原本kick the bucket 是死掉的成語。
Before I die, I want to see the world. Before you die, I want____________.

9 過世的人,用late 來取代dead. 我過世的祖母,My late grandmother。My dead grandmother 感覺好沒禮貌。

10 最後一定要提的,pass away 是過世,pass out 是暈倒失去知覺。不要覺得都差不多。因為一位移民小孩就說自己的媽媽跟保險公司談的時候把pass out 說成pass away 鬧出大笑話。

回到我的bucket list
1 Be financially secure.
2. Have a classroom where I can teach whatever and whenever.
3. Have a garden.
4. See more of Taiwan and this world
....... Just name a few.

What's on your bucket list?

Sunday, April 2, 2017

談分詞/被動 (1) open/opened, welcome/welcomed, open/closed


hunger 可當成名詞,也可當成動詞
(1) …feasting while the poor hunger (Merriam-Webster 例子)

這邊的hunger 當成動詞
(2) The poor are *hungering/hungered (除非要強調有人故意不讓你吃,但那並不是狀態描述而是被動意義了).

我還沒聽過有台灣英語學習者造出上面的句子,可能因為我們非常習慣hungry,對hunger 當動詞的用法很陌生。大家自然的都會說成,
(3) The poor are hungry.

但是另一個很類似的字starve 則沒有這樣的形容詞,我餓死了,英文要說成
(4) I am starved/ starving (ed ing 的選擇意思另外討論)

open 可以當成動詞,但是因為本身就可以當成形容詞,所以不需要用opened

*(5)The store is opened. 若大家還是堅持這是對的,請想想如果說出I am hungering/hungered 是甚麼感覺


(6)  The store is open.

close的形容詞是near 靠近的意思,所以無法傳達關起來狀態意思,因此只能退而求其次,透過動詞衍生方式closed 來表達了。

 (7) The store is closed.

welcome 可當動詞/可當形容詞

(8) They welcomed the guests at the airport. 他們歡迎客人

但要客人很受到歡迎說welcome 就好了,不用ed 

*(10) You are welcomed.

(11) You are welcome. 

這是Cambridge 的例句,做成考題大概會是這樣吧

I stopped the car when I realized that the door was ______.
(A) open (B) opened (C) opening 

談語言和譬喻/介係詞 to: 一樣的閃光,一樣的照在妳我受傷的心


在台灣,若我用 這個emoji😎😎😎,我想大家在台灣的我們,直覺會覺得應該是有人在放閃(PDA= public display of affection),我趕快戴上眼鏡,免得被弄瞎。


有趣的是,我有陣子常常在外國情侶的IG (Instagram)下,看到內地網友說被餵狗糧。我實在百思不解,且覺得很不禮貌。請估狗大神幫忙,才知道他們稱呼單身的人,單身狗。大概有要靠著別人的甜蜜才能活下去的感覺嗎吧?

至於外國對於閃光的反應,可看這部可愛的Youtube 影片https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q613MawDE-E

No PDA in my park  我管的公園裡不准放閃

這部影片中的老人自稱Full Lieutenant of Volunteer Precinct William (管區義工大隊長威廉)No Littering (不准亂丟垃圾)改成No PDA (不準放閃)到處巡邏(patrol),維持單身者的和平是比較常看到譬喻喔。

在國外大人叫年輕人不准做這不准做那的,小朋友會說 你也年輕過啊Come on, you were young once。但保安大隊長說,他從出生就有一個55 歲大肚男的身體和腦 (I was born with the the brain and body of a portly 55 year old ),那是種罕見遺傳疾病(genetic disorder) 。辛苦了。
 而影片中的男的正要向他的女友求婚(propose to his girlfriend)時,他立刻見義勇為的制止他們。把戒子丟進池塘後說危機解除 (crisis averted),還要用防身噴霧(pepper spray)對付他們。

所以英文對放閃的譬喻是PDA=>法律,違反法令要接受制裁。PDA 自然不是跟墨鏡,而是跟patrol 和police 連在一起

"PDA patrol/ police, I want to report a violation."


1. 閃光 PDA (public display of affection)
2. 表情貼圖emoji
1. 你也年經過阿 You were young once.
2. 危機解除 crisis (多益單字) averted
3. 防身噴霧 pepper spray
4.  不准亂丟紙屑 No littering (多益考題看過)
5. 遺傳疾病 genetic disease (會考喔。教補習班口頭禪)

求婚/訂婚/結婚的搭配介係詞是to 喔 (多益文法)
propose to someone
engaged to someone 
married to someone *
注意到了嗎? to 這個介係詞除了常用的目的地的意思(I am going to Taipei)還可以用來表達關係喔

I am not related______ my boss. 我跟老闆沒有親戚關係。介係詞是?  

附註: She is married to John with a four year old son 她嫁給約翰並有一個四歲的兒子。to 後面是結婚對象 with 是有小孩