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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

談諺語 What’s on your bucket list?



Thanks so much 就是一個例子。很多英語學習者或老師,覺得這個句子無法還原成一個標準的文法句子,應該要說成Thank you very much 或是  Thanks a lot,所以直接判定是不好的英文。但上網問外國人,他們都覺得聽起來一點都不問題啊。

不合文法,但道地的有 Long time no see (好久不見), My bad (我的錯),I can't with you (受不鳥),You do you (做妳自己吧)
1. bought the farm 是死掉的委婉語,farm 指的是墓地,可能像是南部俚語的回蘇州賣鴨蛋代表死掉的意思。
美國影集有時會用太過委婉,導致別人誤解的梗。印象中一部非常老的影集 Golden Girls 黃金女郎,其中有一集提到bought the farm,裡面一根腸子通到底的傻大姊Rose 回:Where?

2. six feet under (這個意象很清楚,就被埋在下面。HBO 一部影集就叫Six Feet Under。底面主角家是開葬儀社funeral home)

3. bite the dust (通常戰死沙場,被殺)

4. shuffle off this mortal coil (出自莎士比亞Hamlet: 脫離塵世了,BBC拍的福爾摩斯常聽到)

5. drop dead 猝死 (常聽到拿來罵人,你去死。Drop dead. )

6. death by misadventure 意外致死

7. killed in action 因公殉職

8. What’s on your bucket list? 意思是死掉前一定要做的事情。
Jack Nicholson Morgan Freeman 兩大老牌影星演出一部片子叫The Bucket List。原本kick the bucket 是死掉的成語。
Before I die, I want to see the world. Before you die, I want____________.

9 過世的人,用late 來取代dead. 我過世的祖母,My late grandmother。My dead grandmother 感覺好沒禮貌。

10 最後一定要提的,pass away 是過世,pass out 是暈倒失去知覺。不要覺得都差不多。因為一位移民小孩就說自己的媽媽跟保險公司談的時候把pass out 說成pass away 鬧出大笑話。

回到我的bucket list
1 Be financially secure.
2. Have a classroom where I can teach whatever and whenever.
3. Have a garden.
4. See more of Taiwan and this world
....... Just name a few.

What's on your bucket list?

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