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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

It's hard to me/ for me? 哪個介係詞才對

? 同學問我  It's hard to me/ for me 哪個介係詞才對?

★ 我的想法是要看it 的意思,是虛主詞(dummy subject) 還是代名詞 (pronoun)。

  •  虛主詞+ is + 一般性評論形容詞+ (for/*to subject) + to V 不定詞補語

 評論性形容詞有easy/hard (difficult)/good/bad/nice 等等


(1) It is hard [for Taiwanese to learn English].

因為it 是取代後面的不定詞補語(extraposed),相當一個非限定子句。所以也可以移到前面,如下

(2) [For Taiwanese to learn English] is hard.

加上to 是很不自然的

*(3) It is hard [to Taiwanese to learn English] 
*(4) [To Taiwanese to learn English] is hard. 

但是it seems/appears/sounds to me....就用to + 對象,因為是發表觀點的句子

當然我看到許多外國人在論壇發言,覺得It is hard to me to learn English. 也可以,但我覺得這裡的to me 是插入句,並不在句子結構裡=> It is hard, to me, to learn English.

(5) To me (=in my opinion), it is hard for Taiwanese to learn English. 
(6) It is hard, to me (=in my opinion),  for Taiwanese to learn English. 省略主詞
=> It is hard, to me (=in my opinion), to learn English.

  • 若是it 是代名詞,for 和 to 皆可,但會有不同意思。同理完整名詞,for 和to 也皆可,但會有不同的意思。
其實這裡是大家所熟悉的S+V+C 主詞+動詞+補語的句型,再加上一個介係詞片語

Speaker A: The English exam was easy. 
Speaker B: Really. It was hard for me/to me. 這裡的it 取代上述的English exam
To me表意見, it was hard. -> In my opinion, the English exam was hard. 
For me表感受, it was hard. -> I found that the English exam was hard. 

(7)It is hard for me to learn English. = For me to learn English is hard.
(8)Learning English is hard for me. = I find it  hard to learn English
(9) Learning English is hard to me.= In my opinion, it is hard to learn English.

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