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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

談語言中的類比譬喻: A is to B what C is to D (A 之於B 猶如 C之於 D)


A 之於 B 猶如 C 之於D
= A is to B what C is to D.  
= A is to B as C is to D.
= As C is to D, so is A to B.

但若從很簡單的譬喻句去了解,就會很清楚了。簡單句基礎: 主詞+be+補語

(1) Love is (a) spice.暗喻(metaphor)1
(2) Love is like/as (a) spice.明喻(simile)
(1)’ A = B
(2)’ A ≈ B


語言中比喻和譬喻,不只很常出現在文學修辭,其實充斥著每個地方。根據George Lakoff 的理論,這是認知能力的一種。用自己熟悉的知識去明白部熟習的知識,用具體的東西去了解抽象的東西。

我們現在另用what (the thing which) 的句子來強調一下

(3) Love is what (the thing which) spice is.



Love: couples= spice: eaters
love to couples = spice to eaters

(3)’ Love is _________what spice is ________.

(4) Love is (to couples) what spice is (to eaters) [這是由暗喻(1) 變來的]

(2)’ Love is ________ as/like spice  is __________.

(5) Love is to couples as/like spice is to eaters. [這是由明喻(2) 變來的]

如果您已經上了許多網站查這個句型,會發現。其實美國人更常用加as/like 的句子。我看了五六個網站,感覺絕大多數人直覺不喜歡what 的句構,但也說不出個所以然。可能是what 的句子太迂迴了,轉了兩圈。

最後若是要強調的話,把as spice to eaters

(6) As spice is to eaters, love is similar to the couples.

知道 I am too-> so am I 表達相同的句型嗎? 沒錯來倒裝一下。

(7) As spice is to eaters, so is love to couples.

我們來看看紐約時報舉辦的周末類比句大賽的一個句子,看大家是否懂了(https://schott.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/11/weekend-competition-a-is-to-b-as-c-is-to-d/?_r=0) 很促咪LOL

“Republican senators are to sexual flings as family values are to domestic abuse.”
Katy Sharpe September 13, 2009 · 3:07 pm

Republican senators≈ family values (A≈ B) 共和黨員家庭價值。怎麼說?
Republican senators: sexual fling ≈family values: domestic abuse (共和黨議員: 一夜風流家庭價值: 家暴)


(1)Smile is to mankind _________ sunshine is to flowers.
(A) while (B) like (C) as (D) what
答案 (A)

(2) 閱讀之於心靈,如食物之於身體。
Reading: the mind= food: body
Reading is to the mind what food to the body.
Reading is to the mind as/like food to the body. 最多人公認易懂
As food to the body, so is reading to the mind.

Love is a spice with many tastes--a dizzying array of textures and moments.
(Wayne Knight as Newman in the final episode of Seinfeld, 1998)
註2:  For the record,我想說這些變形的中間過程(transformation process)只是輔助,並不代表我的論證就等於是語言認知的實際過程,或是我特別相信某個理論派別。

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