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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

English for Monday Blues: It's only four days till Friday. until 的用

(英文藝術字by Ingrid Hsiao 我美麗又有才華的好友)

It’s only four days till Friday. 還剩四天就星期五了
till=until 但是較口語親切

(1) He did not go out (until/by) 10:00 this morning.
(2) He stayed (until/by) 10:00 this morning.
(3) He went out (until/by) 10: 00 this morning.

答案 (1) until (2) until (3) by  

not until 直到某個時刻才開始/結束動作,所以要接瞬間動詞
until 一直持續到某一個才停止,所以要接持續性動詞/或是一段時間。
by 在某個時間點前。通常和截止deadline日期息息相關

中級 改錯
(X) He walked until the school.
(O)He walked as far as the school.
因為until 只能用在時間,不能用在空間。

We’ll stay until it ______ (stop) raining.  答案是
(A) is going to stop (B) has stopped (C)  will

(B)因為until 是時間副詞的一種,只能放現在式。

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