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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

讀書會筆記 9. Infant Formula of 50 Inventions that Shaped the Modern Economy



育嬰假(女生) maternity leave  (mater=mother) 
育嬰假 (男生)  paternity leave (pater= father) 

因應時代進展,不想用傳統性別區分可以說parental leave。
parental leave 還可以包括 adoption leave 為了領養小孩請的假 

因為人口老化,也有越來越多關於伺親假的討論。請假來照顧年邁的父母,應該比較是eldercare leave 或是 parent-care leave,可以跟childcare leave 作對照。 


paid leave 有給薪的假
unpaid leave  沒有給薪的假 

furlough 是較正式的的字,可當名詞也可以當動詞。
當名詞用時介係詞一樣用on ,例子Many workers are on furlough。
當成動詞用時就像公司強迫你放無薪假 ,例子The company furloughed 1,000 workers. 

附註:拿半薪的話,卻是half-pay leave 或是 leave on/at half pay,而不是 *half-paid leave 


當然first milk 就可以來形容初乳了,不過上網做功課才知道還有一個好專業的詞較colostrum,另外根據營養和脂肪含量,前段奶水跟後段奶水分別稱為foremilk 和 hindmilk。


1. 口角炎 angular cheilitis (cracked lip corners) cheilitis 的chi-,有人念成k-也有人唸成ch-,以自然發音應該是ch吧
2. 加盟金 franchise fee 
3. 已經裝潢好店 a furnished store with a full-equipped kitchen
4. 頂讓應該就是直接買賣 I bought a store with fixtures and fittings at NT 2 million dollars. 

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