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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Monday, January 18, 2021

讀書會筆記 7. Robots of 50 Things that Made the Modern Economy


It's not the only robot that can pick a bottle off a shelf, but it's as close as robots have yet come to performing this seemingly simply task as speedily and dexterously as a good old-fashioned human. 


有兩個比較句型 as...as 


robot that can pick a bottle off a shelf .....is as close as robots have yet come to .. 




1. have yet to do something= have not done something 。

have yet to 是非常正式的用法,常見在官方文件,可以參考這個網路文章https://englishforuniversity.com/grammar/have-yet-to/

2. 有趣字源

dexterous 是靈活的意思,在拉丁文dextar 指的是右邊,sinister 指的是左邊。

但是因為在打仗或搏鬥時,若是對手是左撇子,常常又讓大部分的右撇子錯估情勢,所以sinister 發展出邪惡的意思。這讓我想到台語的右手是正手,而左手是反手。

3. 左撇子說法

右撇子常見的說法是 right-handed ,而左撇子是leaf-handed。

那可以兩手互用是 ambidextrous 。ambidextrous 可以根據字元拆解為

ambi=> both, around , dextrous skillful 靈活 

最後慣用手是dominant hand  直譯支配的手

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