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I have been working with students in Hsinchu since 2004. I help students who are eager to cultivate their language skills and expand their horizons with a wealth of hands-on experience and professional knowledge.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

English for Monday Blues: may的用法之一:表示心願和希望

(May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short)

may 這個助動詞有兩種常見的情態語意(modality)。

I. 表示可能性(possibility) It may/might rain tomorrow.  明天可能會下雨 (我猜測)。這裡的might 可以出現在未來時間,因為是指可能性較低。

II. 表示義務性(obligation) You may leave now.  妳可以走了(我允許妳走了)

III.表示心願祝福 (wish/hope)。現在英文很少這樣用了,可是在固定片語中很常見。電影或小說中也很會使用這個特殊的意義來傳達正式古老的氛圍。

此時使用句型是 (1) may 一定要放在最前面 (2)  後面是動詞原型
May+ subject + V 原形動詞

May (=It is my hope/wish that) the force be with you.  願原力與你同在
May God be with you. 願上帝與你同在
May he rest in peace. 願他安息